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Gianna Kane
Associate Recruiter
Highly organized, intellectually curious, and a strong communicator, Gianna Kane brings an ideal blend of skills to the Associate Recruiter position at Heller Search. On client engagements, Gianna is responsible for conducting research into the talent market and targeted organizations. She also manages candidate interview scheduling and logistics, and provides critical operational support to the search team. Gianna has been working in human resources and retained executive search for most of her career. She joined Heller Search from Charles Sterling Group, an executive search firm. Earlier, she was an HR Manager at Legendary Applied Analytics, and a Recruiting Associate at Ridgeway Partners, an executive search firm. Gianna is active in her community and raises funds every year for Mustard Seed Communities, a non-profit organization supporting children of Kingston, Jamaica and the Caribbean islands. She received a B.S. in Media Studies from The Catholic University of America and is a SHRM Certified Professional. Gianna and her husband live in Somerville, MA.
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Listed Since
June 2021