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Emma Cornwall
Associate Client Partner
Ms. Cornwall is a skilled facilitator and coach and has 15 years of experience in working with clients to understand the leadership and organisational culture levers needed to drive performance in their business. Ms. Cornwall's expertise includes: leadership development, coaching, talent strategy and assessment, top team performance, and the development and implementation of competency frameworks. Ms. Cornwall had designed and delivered senior leadership and high potential programmes for organisations such as Arup, npower, Vodafone and the National Health Service in the UK. Ms. Cornwall spent 18 months as the Delivery Director for Korn Ferry £24million contract with Civil Service Learning. In this role she was accountable for the delivery of all executive level learning for the top 4,500 civil servants in the UK. Ms. Cornwall's recent coaching experience includes working with the EMEA HR Director for a global pharmaceutical company, senior civil servants and a programme director in financial services. Ms. Cornwall is also an experienced talent assessor and she is currently working with Allianz delivering talent assessments for their future global leaders. Ms. Cornwall has a BA (Hons) in Economic History from the University of Liverpool and an MSc in Social Policy and Management from London Guildhall University. Ms. Cornwall is a graduate of an International Coach Federation (ICF) Accredited Coaching Training Programme.
Account type
Listed Since
August 2021
Location & Regional scope
London, England, United Kingdom