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Paul McNamara
Partner & Head of Interim Human Resources Practice
Paul is a highly respected executive consultant with more than 15 years’ experience within Human Resources. He delivers senior level interim assignments across all HR disciplines and industry sectors, operating at daily rates typically between £600 – £2,000. Paul is a recognised thought leader for the development of up-and-coming HR talent. He has a passion for HR Tech and a believer in the development and use of HR Analytics to drive commercial performance. CIPD qualified, Paul spent the initial 6 years of his career working for a global FTSE 100 organisation in the HR function, before moving into HR Search & Selection. Paul joined Eton Bridge from a leading global recruitment firm within their HR practice where he was a regional director and key driver of their executive HR Practice. Paul is a qualified RFU coach and spends his Sundays coaching an U12 rugby team of which his son is a member. If he gets any time to himself, he is a keen sportsman and the go-to person for obscure sporting facts!
Account type
Listed Since
November 2021
Location & Regional scope
London, England, United Kingdom
Windsor, England, United Kingdom