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Altus Partners
At Altus Partners, we operate as one unified, award-winning team, with a diversity of expertise across the private equity industry. With demands on identifying the right talent never being higher, we continue to build a truly unique platform in order to deliver a customized offering that meets both the short and long-term needs of our clients. We have completed over 1,000 executive searches, advising clients with the same rigour whether the mandate is for a Board-level position, an Analyst hire or an interim assignment. We have delivered testing and psychometric evaluations to hundreds of individuals as part of our best-in-class assessment process, ensuring our clients receive the granular attention to detail that they need in their searches. Founded in 2009, Altus Partners originally held a concentrated specialism in placing private equity investment professionals, but – with repeated successes in this field, an ever-expanding network, and consequently a growing team – we have made strategic additions to our remit, developing a broader yet still carefully integrated set of capabilities.
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Listed Since
April 2021
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